How to be an Ultimate BOSS BABE ✨
I have always lived by the motto 'Never Dream About Success, Work For It'. I believe that everything is possible if you want it enough. When I found Herbalife Nutrition, I knew that this is what I have been put on this earth to do. I had a vision of helping as many women in health as well as wealth & this amazing company allowed me to do this. Becoming my own boss was my favourite advantage of becoming a Herbalife Nutrition distributor! So... these are my top 5 tips of being an ultimate boss babe! 💁🏼♀️
1 - Write Your Goals Down 📃
Buy the cutest notepad and write down your goals, make sure you are being realistic! If you are more of a visual kinda girl, make a vision board, the visual reminders are so powerful & help you to stay focused!
2 - Start Of Small 🐢
Try not to overwhelm yourself with information or ideas. Take baby steps. Think about something you can do each day to get you just that little bit closer to achieving everything you want!
3 - Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone 😬
Yes... this can be very scary! But comfortable is safe, but we don't want safe. We want to push ourselves & take risks. If you're finding this is too hard, go back to step 1 & 2, revaluate your goals, what is holding you back? Go back to basics if you have to!
4 - Do not EVER give up! 🙅🏼♀️
Everyone is going to have set backs, life isn't always a bowl of cherries! Life is tough but you are tougher! When things don't go to plan, stand up taller & make something happen. You will be able to turn your weaknesses into strengths, but not if you give up!
5 - This is the most important! STAY POSITIVE 😃
No negativity zone!! Get rid of anything or anyone in your life who is putting you down. Delete the games that you waste 2/3 hours playing! Take time away from social media. Only you can affect how you feel... however unnecessary negativity is not needed & will only drag you down. Get rid of it & keep pushing ... because after all, you are a BOSS BABE!
PS - If you would love to join me on my Herbalife journey & become one of my amazing boss babe team members! Fill out this short application form & I will be in touch 😋